Consular Area

Thanks for visiting the Consular Page! Here you’ll find information about ICPO’s work as well as forms and leaflets which may be helpful to you in assisting Irish citizens in prison overseas. 

We work closely with the Consular Assistance Unit of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and with Irish Embassies and Consulates around the world and are very grateful for their valuable support and cooperation. If you are looking for more information on consular services provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade please see their website.

Forms and Information

If you work for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade please consider passing the leaflet and forms below to any Irish citizen you become aware of in prison overseas.

  • Authorisation Form This form should be completed by anyone seeking assistance from the ICPO. If a prisoner is unable to complete this form please contact us to confirm that he/she has given verbal consent for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to share information about his/her case with the ICPO and vice-versa.
  • Information Leaflet for Prisoners This leaflet gives a brief outline of the services provided by the ICPO and lists contact details for ICPO Maynooth and ICPO London.
  • Resettlement Assessment Form This form should be completed by prisoners who will be returning to Ireland (either voluntarily or as a result of a deportation order) following the completion of their sentence overseas. We strongly recommend completing this form 6-12 months before the end of the person’s sentence to allow the ICPO to provide appropriate resettlement support.
  • Newsletter We send newsletters to prisoners, family members and support agencies twice a year. If you have time you could print a copy of our most recent newsletter for any new prisoner you will visit.
  • Guidelines for Visiting Prisoners This document provides information for prison visitors, from how to plan a visit, to topics of conversation and what to do after you have undertaken a visit. It was developed for the many volunteer visitors the ICPO works with around the world, however consular staff may find some of the information helpful.

If you would like to obtain hard copies of these materials or if you have any questions about the ICPO please contact us at